Please Include
* How you found DeeHart Talent and or who you are referred by (if you were referred).
* Why you are submitting to DeeHart Talent
* Why you are looking to hire a talent manager.
* Your personal website and all links to your online marketing and submission profiles.
* Include a short video introduction of yourself.
Send your video via, or a similar free video transfer site which allows you to send video and audio files that are larger than 10 mgs.
* Include who you are training with.
* What your credits are.
* Why do you love acting.
* What do you do to help promote yourself.
* What are your hobbies.
* Will you be able to devote time to auditions and booked projects.
* Is your job flexible.
* Are you flexible. If under 18 years of age please email digital snapshots of what you or the child looks like now.
Include names and parental contact info.